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"In every business, in every industry, management does matter" - Michael Eisner

Management systems create the company's culture. People can be trained on numerous improvement tools, but without a

management system, results will fall far short of what should be expected.

Components include:

  • Leader standard work

  • Layered audit coaching

  • Performance boards

  • An effective countermeasure process

  • Improvement and coaching Kata 

  • Engagement meetings

  • People, systems and accountability aligned with company goals

  • Substitute non-value added activities with behaviors that drive continuous improvement 

Implemented at the pace that is right for your company

The management system is considered the 'secret sauce' of many successful companies

I used a golfing analogy in a blog.  You may have a full tool set (golf clubs) in your bag, but unless you have a consistent swing your results will be inconsistent at best.  Think of the management system as your swing.  Improve the system to make effective use of the tools.

How can we help you?

Start creating a better future for your business today. Talk to expert consultant, Gary Rascoe.

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